It’s pronounced Wrocław!
Beer Geek Madness Festival in Wroclaw, Poland.

So, we recently found ourselves invited back to one of Europe’s top beer festivals, Beer Geek Madness in Wroclaw, Poland. For those who have seen it on a Ryanair board and wondered it is actually pronounced Vrotswaff much to many people’s surprise.

It’s a stunning city and under its former name of Breslau it was home to one of the most lauded brewing cultures in Europe hence the commitment to putting it back on the beer map of Europe. The city is now renowned as one of Poland’s tourism and foodie capitals with a plethora of craft breweries and trendy bars offering dozens of craft beer options along with Polish delicacies and even a few Polish wines.

We really must hand it to the organising team who are now led by local brewery Stu Mostow. They manage to create a hugely inclusive and warm festival which incorporates the best of US, European brewing along with the cream of Polish brewing.

Festivals like this always give us a chance to find out how our beers stack up as well as exchanging some ideas and thoughts on our industry. The Polish brewing scene is also one of the most exciting and creative in Europe right now so have to admit we always enjoy seeing what’s new on the scene and indulging our inner beer geek.

Look out for a few collaborative brews coming in the next 12 month.

The city is a must for any beer or food fans and is a wonderful off the beaten track destination for anyone this summer.